
This is not a course.

getStaticProps is a collection of guides to help you build modern apps using Next.js.

It is completely free. Free as in Wikipedia free. I’m not even going to ask for your email.

Who is this for?

You are familiar with React and have already created your first Next.js sites.

But now you’re hearing about TypeScript, Middleware, Prisma, trpc and the Edge.

If you find yourself asking: Do I need to learn all this for my app? or When should I use a middleware? getStaticProps is for you.

What do you mean not a course?

Instead of creating yet another course that you will never finish, I want to focus on a series of guides where you can jump in anytime anywhere.

The guides are written in simple and easy to understand terms. We cover a lot of topics without going into too much details. Just enough to get you up to speed.

What’s the Edge? Jump to the Edge section and find out if and when to add edge runtime to your app. Need help figuring out subscriptions renewal with API routes and webhooks? There’s a guide for you.

What else will I learn?

We’ll go through all the main features you will need to build modern web apps:

  • How to add authentication
  • Adding TypeScript
  • Using API routes and middlewares
  • How to build a subscription system
  • Styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Adding a blog with MDX and ContentLayer
  • Deploying your app and your database.
  • ...and more

How much is done?

About 40% of the first set of guides is done.

I sent it to my mom for review. She’s now arguing about requests waterfall on Twitter.

Is it really free? What’s the catch?

It’s free 💯.

The plan is to keep it free for you, the developer. If we get enough interest, I’ll reach out to companies for sponsored guides.

How do I subscribe?

I’ll announce the launch on Twitter (@shadcn).

Count me in!